*** 2024 Line Officers & Executive Board ***


At January’s Regular Business Meeting of the Paxtang Fire Company #1 the new officers for 2024 were sworn into their positions. Congratulations to all of the members!


Line Officers:

Fire Chief – Todd Zwigart

Captain – Steve Bartholomew

Lieutenant 40 – Austin Schrader

Lieutenant 401 – Travis Frankenfield


Fire Police Captain – Gavin Ford

Fire Police Lieutenant – Karl Rapp


Executive Board:

President – Gavin Ford

Vice President – Terry Bastian

Senior Trustee – Karl Rapp

2nd yr Trustee – Don Follett

3rd yr Trustee – Kathy Mummert

Treasurer – Stephen Roth

Secretary – Cheryl Zwigart

Membership Secretary – Sabrina Burrous

21st Annual Paxtang Fire Co. Crabfest/Pig Roast


Join us Saturday, September 23, 2023 at Noon till 4 PM

Emeric Cibort Park 601 Penn Street, Harrisburg, PA 17113

How Much:
$55 per person in advance, $65 Square and $70 at the door

One child 12 or under free with a paying adult, Additional children 1/2 the regular price

What ā€œUā€ Get:
Fresh Hot Maryland Blue Crabs, Pulled Pork BBQ, Corn on the Cob, Maryland Crab Soup, Hamburgers & Hot dogs, French Fries, and much much more…
All ā€œUā€ can drink draft beer and soft drinks

Games, Fun, & Prizes for all ages!

NCAA football games shown on large screen, DJ, 50/50, rip tickets, and raffle ticket auction. No take out. ALL BAGS SUBJECT TO SEARCH!! Many years we have SOLD OUT before the event, so get your tickets early!

Tickets are available for purchase at the Station located at 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111 Monday-Friday nights from 6:00pm-9:00pm. Tickets are also available for purchase online via paxtangfirecompany.square.site/



Annoucement in Regards to Crabfest 2020


Due to the uncertainty of COvid-19 the Paxtang Fire Company has decided to cancel the 2021 annual Crabfest/Pig Roast. Our priority is the safety of our community.

The Paxtang Fire Company is an all-volunteer, 100% non-profit organization that depends on fundraisers for its primary source of income. We will continue to be available, as always, for fire calls, fire police, rescue, and various other emergencies. We also support community events and will continue to do so under the Governor’s guidelines.

Thank you for your support all these years. We hope to see you all next year!

June Stats 2020

Calls 18: YTD: 155
Boro Calls: 6 YTD: 23
Jobs: 3 YTD: 14
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Manpower: 79 YTD: 578
Avg Crew: 4 YTD: 4
Time in Service: 8 Hrs 52 Min YTD: 83 Hrs 7 Min
Engine Calls: 11 YTD: 67
Rescue Calls: 9 YTD: 100
Utility Calls: 1 YTD: 2
Fire Police Calls: 3 YTD: 15
Busiest Day: Wednesday with 5
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 11
Busiest Box: 40-1 Paxtang with 5

Top Five Responders:
Capt. M. Lemmon with 12
Chief J. Tinari with 11
FF. D. Schaeffer with 11
FF. S. Schaeffer with 11
FF. S. Clark with 11

May Stats 2020

Calls: 26 YTD: 136
Boro Calls: 4 YTD: 17
Jobs: 2 YTD: 11
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Total Manpower 78 YTD: 500
Avg Crew: 3 YTD 4
Time In Service: 11 Hrs 16 Mins YTD: 74 Hrs 15 Mins
Engine Calls: 10 YTD: 56
Rescue Calls: 19 YTD: 91
Utility Calls: 0 YTD: 1
OIC Calls: 0 YTD: 1
Fire Police Calls: 3 YTD: 12
Busiest Day: Saturday with 9
Busiest Time: 0800-1600 with 11
Busiest Box: Steelton(50) with 10

Top 5 Responders:
FF. D. Schaeffer with 15
Chief J. Tinari with 14
FF. S. Schaeffer with 14
Capt M. Lemmon with 12
FF. S. Clark with 9

April Stats 2020

Calls: 25 YTD: 110
Boro Calls: 2 YTD: 13
Jobs: 3 YTD: 9
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Manpower: 110 YTD: 422
Avg. Crew 4 YTD: 4
Hrs in Service: 17 Hr 25 Min YTD: 62 Hr 59 Min
Engine Calls: 12 YTD: 46
Rescue Calls: 16 YTD: 72
Utility Calls: 0 YTD: 0
Busiest Day: Friday with 6
Busiest Time: 0800-1600 with 12
Busiest Box: Steelton(50) with 10

Top Five Responders:
FF. D. Schaeffer with 20
Capt M. Lemmon with 18
Chief J. Tinari with 15
FF. S. Clark with 15
FF. S Schaeffer with 13

WSF Steelton Apr 10 2020 5pm

On Friday Apr 10 around 5 pm

Both the Rescue and Engine conducted operations on a 2nd Alarm Fire in the Borough of Steelton. The rescue was tasked with attempting to make an interior attack and did so until Command issued an evacuation order. Rescue 40 was then assigned to RIT. Engine 40 arrived on scene and its crew began to provide pump operations to the fire ground.

Thank you to Northern York County Fire Rescue Franklintown Rescue 15-1 for fulfilling a transfer to the Paxtang Borough!

March 2020 Stats

Here are the Stats for March

Calls: 22 YTD: 85
Borough Calls: 1 YTD: 11
Jobs: 1 YTD: 6
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Manpower: 86 YTD: 306
Average Crew: 4 YTD: 4
Hrs in Service: 11 Hrs 32 Min YTD: 45 Hrs 34 Min
Engine Calls: 5 YTD: 34
Rescue Calls: 16 YTD: 56
Utility Calls: 0 YTD: 1
Fire Police Calls: 4 YTD: 7
Busiest Day: Sunday With 7
Busiest Time: 0800-1600 with 13
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 11

Top Five Responders
Chief Tinari with 20
FF D. Schaeffer with 16
Capt. Lemmon with 10
FF S. Schaeffer with 10
FF Clark with 8

Safety Protocols

To aid in reducing risk of the spread of the Covid-19 the Paxtang Fire Company has restricted access to active running members and Current Officers. Thank you for understanding and we will update accessibility in the future. There is currently a sign in sheet for members to log in and out of the building in an effort to account for all interactions.


Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the fire victims, the family of Firefighter Jerome Guise who lost his life in selfless service to his community, and the Mount Holly Springs Fire Department on the loss of one of their members.