October Stats

11/12/18 Here are October stats.

Calls: 35 YTD: 269
Boro Calls: 6 YTD: 39
Jobs: 0 YTD: 11
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Manpower: 124 YTD: 1050
Avg Crew: 4 YTD: 4
Hrs In Service: 9hrs 6mins YTD: 142hrs 29mins
Engine Calls: 14 YTD: 105
Rescue Calls: 23 YTD: 188
Busiest Day: Monday with 8
Busiest Time: 1600/2400 with 14
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 12

Top 5 Responders
Lt. Lemmon with 22
Chief Zwigart with 21
DC. Tinari with 19
FF. Clark with 13
Capt. Moyer with 10
FF. Frankenfield with 10

Reported Fire In Nursing Home Box 49-2

10/26. At 0217 hrs box 49-2 Spring Creek was struck for a reported fire on the 3rd floor of the nursing home. Engine 40 responded with a crew of 2. Crew took up 1st arriving Engine assignment and crew was sent in to investigate. Crew had an odor of something burning on the 3rd floor. After investigation crews found a wall heating unit to be over heating. Crews secured the power to the room and the building was turned over to maintenance staff. Time out was 49 mins.

Stand-By Dillsburg for Farmers Fair

10/20/18. Today the rescue with a crew of 7 stood-by in Dillsburg with Rutherford Fire and Schuylkill Haven Engine 63-17 for framers fair. The day started about 0700 hrs and ended at 2300 hrs. While on stand-by crews handled 6 calls for service to include a smoke investigation and several EMS calls. On the way home the rescue handled an MVA. The rescue and Engine 63-17 arrived to find 2 vehicles in the roadway. EMS was on the scene. Crews checked for fluid leaks and debris clean up.

MVA Box 40-2

10/8/18 At 1126 hrs box 40-2 was struck for an MVA at the intersection of Paxtang Ave and Derry Street. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 2. Arrived to find a 2 vehicle accident in the middle of the road. Crew checked for injuries and then did debris clean up. Time out was 26 mins.

Sept 2018 Stats

Here are Sept’s stats.

Calls: 28 YTD: 234
Boro Calls: 3 YTD: 33
Jobs: 3 YTD: 8
Pins: 0 YTD: 0
Avg Crew: 5 YTD: 4
Manpower: 138 YTD: 926
Hrs In Service: 20 hrs 8 mins YTD: 133 hrs 23 mins
Engine Calls: 5 YTD: 91
Rescue Calls: 21 YTD: 165
OIC Calls: 2
Busiest Day: Sunday with 11
Busiest Time: 1600-2400 with 12
Busiest Box: Steelton (50) with 14

Top 5 Responders
Chief Zwigart with 25
Lt. Lemmon with 20
FF. Clark with 19
FF. Frankenfield with 17
DC. Tinari with 13

Another Successful Crabfest In The Books

09-23-18. Another successful crabfest is in the books. The 18th Annual Crabfest was sold out a week before the event. We sold a record high of 617 tickets. The weather was beautiful for the event. We would like to thank our members who helped with setting up for the crabfest, the members that assisted the day of the event, our volunteers from the Paxtang Lion’s Club, Rutherford Fire Company and Liberty Fire Company. Without all the help this event would not be a success.

We would like to thank the following Sponsors
Grandview Management Assets
Screen Printing Partners
Paxtang Grill
Flemings Sub Base
Tops Bar
City Line Diner
Comcast Cable

We would like to thank all the local businesses that supported the event with a ad for our ad book.

Mark your calendar now for next years crabfest Sept 28, 2019

Commercial WSF Steelton Box 50-2

09-08-18. As the rescue returned from a previous call in Steelton, a 2nd call was struck for a working commercial structure fire at Dura Bond Pipe in box 50-2. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 4. Crew arrived on the scene as assisted with fire attack, securing the power to the plant and ventilation. Time out was 1 hr 43 mins

WSF Steelton Box 50-1

09-03-18. At 0352 hrs box 50-1 was struck for a structure fire. Chief 50 went enroute and was advised of a working structure fire. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 6. Rescue arrived and was tasked with assisting with fire attack, overhaul and then helping secure the fire building. Time out was 3 hrs 20 mins.

RIT Assignement to Stand-by

09-02-18 At 1245 hrs Cumberland County 911 requested rescue 40 to respond to Hampden Township as the 1st alarm structure fire as RIT. Rescue 40 responded with a crew of 7. Just before arrival on the scene of the fire, the rescue was placed in service but then requested to stand-by Hampden Township station 2-30 while crews still worked at the scene of the fire. Crew stood-by till released by fire command. There were no calls for service while on stand-by. Total time out was 2 hrs 47 mins.

WSF RIT Assignment Highspire Box 55-2

09-01-18 At 2232 hrs box 55-2 was struck for a structure fire. Dauphin County advised command 55 of a working fire and up-graded the box. Rescue 40 was dispatched and responded with a crew of 5. Crew arrived and took up the RIT assignment. Crew stood-by on the scene till released by fire command. Time out was 1 hr 8 mins